Extending opening hours

Dear Clients, We have managed to arrange with the management the promised opening hours on weekdays from 6 am. The opening hours will be effective from Monday 7 March. Entrance will be via the side entrance from – OC through the pedestrian tunnel, or the entrance from the car park. Check out the video below […]

We are open

Dear sports friends, We are happy to finally bring you good news about the opening of the new Premier Fitness in OC Plzeň Plaza. On February 2, 2022 we will start the operation of the fitness center and we would like to invite you to your first visit. We hope that you will like the […]

Safe fitness

Dear Clients, thank you for the excellent cooperation you will give us in proving that you are infection-free. We are very glad that you are on the same wavelength as we are and that we are all working together for a SAFE FIT. In addition to 100% compliance with government regulations, our company also goes […]

How to start

Lack of exercise, sedentary job, poor diet, or are you often tired and out of sorts? Regular movement, sports activity is the best solution. After a few weeks you will be a new person full of energy and the changes in your figure will be visible very soon. Forget about “New Year’s” resolutions and start […]