Extending opening hours

Dear Clients,

We have managed to arrange with the management the promised opening hours on weekdays from 6 am.

The opening hours will be effective from Monday 7 March. Entrance will be via the side entrance from – OC through the pedestrian tunnel, or the entrance from the car park.

Check out the video below to see which way to go. Alternatively, call the number listed on the website and the receptionists will point you in the right direction.

News and Events

About us

Premier Fitness is a modern gym located in Pilsen Plaza shopping center. It has been built in cooperation with the prestigious manufacturer of fitness machines Technogym.


Premier Fitness

Radčická 2, 301 00  Plzeň

Tel.: 602 625 158

E-mail: info@premierfitness.cz

Do you have a suggestion for improvement, comment or question? Email us or use the contact form.